The Best Succulents for Your Desktop Terrarium

Picture this: It's Monday morning, you're sipping your coffee, and you've just sat down at your desk. You glance around your workspace, and something's missing. Your desk feels lifeless, dull, and lacks that je ne sais quoi. It needs a touch of green to bring it to life! But let's face it, not all of us are blessed with a green thumb or the luxury of ample workspace to keep an indoor jungle.

Enter the desktop terrarium – your tiny, low-maintenance oasis that brings a slice of nature to your office without taking up much space. In this article, we'll introduce you to the world of succulents that are perfect for your desktop terrarium. So buckle up, plant enthusiasts, because we're about to embark on a journey to find the cutest, most un-killable plants that will make your desk the envy of your colleagues.

Ah, succulents! These little bundles of joy are like the superheroes of the plant world. They're adaptable, resilient, and can survive in some of the harshest environments. Plus, they have this uncanny ability to make any space feel more inviting and alive. Who knew such tiny plants could pack such a punch?

Now, don't get me wrong - I adore my leafy friends, but sometimes having a full-sized plant on your desk can be a bit overwhelming (not to mention the mess it can create). That's when desktop terrariums come to the rescue. They're like mini-ecosystems that allow you to enjoy the beauty and benefits of plants without turning your workspace into a scene from Jumanji.

So, if you're looking to add a touch of greenery to your workspace without risking the wrath of your boss or coworkers, a desktop terrarium is the way to go. Let's dive into what makes these little ecosystems so special and, most importantly, which succulents are best suited for your terrarium needs.

What is a Desktop Terrarium?

Picture this: you're at work, and your boss walks in with a glass orb filled with miniature plants. Curiosity piqued, you ask, "What on earth is that?" Your boss grins and says, "It's my desktop terrarium!" And just like that, you're introduced to the magical world of these mini-ecosystems.

A terrarium, in a nutshell, is a tiny, self-sustaining garden housed in a glass container. It's like having your very own miniature world right at your fingertips. But what makes them so special, you ask? Well, let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, I was a notorious plant killer. Yes, you read that right. I could kill a cactus just by looking at it. But then I discovered terrariums, and my life changed forever. These little glass homes for plants became my saving grace. They're incredibly low-maintenance, making it nearly impossible for even the most cursed plant killers (like yours truly) to mess up. Plus, they add a touch of whimsy and charm to any workspace, making them perfect for those of us who need an escape from the daily grind.

There are two types of terrariums: sealed and open. Sealed terrariums are like tiny greenhouses, creating a humid environment ideal for moisture-loving plants. Open terrariums, on the other hand, allow for more airflow and are better suited for our succulent friends who prefer a drier environment.

Now that we've covered the basics of desktop terrariums, it's time to embark on the most exciting part of this journey - choosing the succulents that will call your terrarium home. But fear not, fellow plant enthusiasts! I'm here to guide you through the process, ensuring that your terrarium is filled with the happiest, healthiest, and most adorable succulents around. So grab your gardening gloves, and let's get started!

Choosing the Right Succulents

Picture me, a wide-eyed plant lover, standing in front of a sea of succulents at my local nursery. It's overwhelming, to say the least. I mean, how can you possibly choose between all these adorable little plants? They're like the puppies of the plant world – you just want to take them all home! But alas, my friends, we must be strong and make some tough choices. After all, our desktop terrariums have limited space, and not all succulents are created equal.

So, what should you look for when choosing succulents for your desktop terrarium? Well, I've got a few tips up my gardening gloves that should help you make the perfect selection:

  1. Size: This one's a no-brainer. You want small, compact varieties that won't outgrow your terrarium too quickly. Think of it like shopping for a studio apartment – you don't want a king-sized bed taking up all the space, do you?

  2. Light requirements: Let's be honest – most offices aren't exactly flooded with natural light. So, when choosing your succulents, opt for varieties that can thrive in low to medium-light conditions. Trust me, your plants will thank you!

  3. Maintenance: The whole point of a desktop terrarium is to have a low-maintenance slice of nature at your fingertips. So, it's best to stick with succulents that don't require constant attention. Save the divas for your home garden!

  4. Humidity tolerance: Terrariums, especially sealed ones, can create a humid environment. So, it's important to choose succulents that can handle moisture without rotting or developing mold. After all, nobody wants a soggy terrarium.

Now that you've got the basics down let's dive into my top 5 succulent picks that are perfect for your desktop terrarium. These little gems are not only adorable but also hardy and low-maintenance, making them the ideal candidates for your mini garden. So, without further ado, let's meet our contestants!

Top 5 Succulents for Your Desktop Terrarium

Alright, my fellow plant lovers, prepare to be dazzled by the cutest and most resilient succulents I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. These little darlings have not only survived but thrived under my care, which is really saying something. So, without further ado, let's meet our tiny green heroes!

Haworthia: Picture a tiny aloe plant, but cuter. That's what you get with Haworthia. These little beauties are like the introverts of the succulent world – they don't need much light and thrive in the cozy confines of a terrarium. Plus, they come in a variety of shapes and patterns, making them the perfect conversation starter at your next office party. Just remember: Haworthias prefer their soil to dry out completely between waterings, so show some restraint with that watering can!

Echeveria: Ah, Echeveria, the charming rosette-shaped succulent that stole my heart. These gorgeous plants come in a variety of colors, from soft greens to vibrant purples, adding a touch of elegance to any desktop terrarium. And the best part? They're practically indestructible! Echeverias are drought-tolerant, so even if you forget to water them once in a while (guilty as charged), they'll still reward you with their stunning beauty. Just make sure they get enough light, or they might get a bit leggy.

Crassula: If you've ever seen a Jade plant, then you're already familiar with the Crassula family. But did you know that Crassulas come in all shapes and sizes? From the classic Jade to the quirky "Baby's Necklace," there's a Crassula for every taste. These easy-going succulents are perfect for terrarium life, as they can handle a bit of humidity and don't mind being a little cramped. Just be sure not to overwater them – they prefer to be on the drier side.

Gasteria: Meet Gasteria, the laid-back cousin of Aloe and Haworthia. With their thick, tongue-shaped leaves and funky patterns, Gasterias add a touch of whimsy to any terrarium. They're also incredibly low-maintenance and can tolerate low-light conditions, making them the ideal office companion. Just remember to let their soil dry out between waterings, and they'll be happy as a clam.

Sedum: Last but certainly not least, we have Sedum, the ground-covering heroes of the succulent world. These versatile plants come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, adding texture and depth to your desktop terrarium. And the best part? They're virtually indestructible! Sedums can handle everything from drought to humidity, making them the perfect choice for even the most forgetful plant parents.

So there you have it – my top 5 succulent picks for your desktop terrarium. With these hardy little plants by your side, you'll be well on your way to creating the mini oasis of your dreams. Now go forth and conquer the world of terrariums, my friends! And who knows, maybe one day, you too will be known as the "Plant Whisperer" of your office.

Tips for Designing Your Desktop Terrarium

Okay, so now that we've got our succulent dream team sorted, it's time to move on to the fun part – designing your desktop terrarium! Trust me, this is where your inner artist gets to shine. Think of your terrarium as a blank canvas, just waiting to be filled with color, texture, and life. But before you go wild with your mini garden, let's go over some tips and tricks that'll ensure your terrarium is not only beautiful but also functional and easy to maintain.

  1. Selecting the right container: Ah, the eternal question – which container should I choose? As someone who has spent hours agonizing over the perfect vessel for my terrarium, let me save you some time. When choosing your container, consider the size, material, and ventilation. You want something that's big enough to house your succulents comfortably but not so huge that it takes over your desk. Glass is the way to go, as it allows for maximum light penetration. And don't forget about ventilation – if you're going for an open terrarium, make sure your container has a wide enough opening to allow for airflow.

  2. Arranging your succulents for visual appeal: This is where things get interesting. When it comes to arranging your succulents, think about balance, contrast, and harmony. Play around with different combinations of colors, shapes, and sizes until you find the perfect balance. And don't be afraid to get creative – sometimes, the most unexpected pairings turn out to be the most eye-catching!

  3. Adding decorative elements: Here's where your inner child gets to come out and play. Adding decorative elements like rocks, moss, and figurines can transform your terrarium from "meh" to "magical." Just remember not to go overboard – you want your decorations to enhance your succulents, not overshadow them.

  4. Proper layering: To ensure your terrarium stays healthy and happy, it's important to layer it correctly. Start with a layer of drainage material like pebbles or activated charcoal at the bottom of your container. This will help prevent water from pooling and causing root rot. Next, add a layer of well-draining soil (a mix of potting soil and perlite works wonders), followed by your plants. Be sure to press the soil down firmly around each plant to keep them secure.

And there you have it – your very own desktop terrarium, designed and created by none other than you! So go ahead, give yourself a pat on the back, and bask in the glory of your mini-masterpiece. And who knows, maybe one day, your terrarium will inspire a fellow plant lover to embark on their own journey into the magical world of succulents.

Caring for Your Desktop Terrarium

Alright, folks, gather 'round because it's time for a heart-to-heart. You see, creating your desktop terrarium is just the beginning of a beautiful, lifelong journey with your new succulent friends. And like any good relationship, this one requires a bit of TLC to keep it going strong. So, let me share some of my hard-earned wisdom on how to care for your terrarium so that it continues to thrive and bring joy to your workspace.

  1. Watering tips: Ah, watering – the bane of many a plant parent's existence. It's a delicate dance between life and death, where one wrong move can send your precious succulents to the great greenhouse in the sky. But fear not, my friends, for I have discovered the secret to perfect watering. The trick is to water sparingly but consistently. Use a small dropper or syringe to give each plant a drink, making sure the soil gets moist but not soggy. And always wait for the soil to dry out completely before you water again. Trust me, your succulents will thank you.

  2. Fertilizing recommendations: Now, I know what you're thinking – "Fertilizer? Really? But my succulents are already so tiny and cute!" And you're right; they are. But even the tiniest of plants need a little nourishment now and then. So, every few months, give your succulents a light feeding with a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer. Think of it like treating them to a spa day – they'll come out looking refreshed and ready to take on the world!

  3. How to provide proper lighting: Let's face it – office lighting leaves a lot to be desired. But don't worry, my fellow plant lovers, for there is hope! To ensure your terrarium gets enough light, place it near a window or invest in a small, low-wattage grow light. And remember, your succulents are like Goldilocks – they don't want too much light or too little; they want it just right.

  4. Dealing with pests and diseases: Every once in a while, even the most well-tended terrarium can fall prey to pesky pests or diseases. But fear not, for I have battled these foes and emerged victorious! The key is to catch the problem early and take swift action. If you spot any signs of trouble (like discolored leaves or tiny critters), isolate your terrarium and treat the issue with an appropriate pesticide or fungicide. And remember, prevention is always better than cure, so keep a close eye on your mini garden and shower it with love and care.

Final Thoughts: The Succulent-filled Journey Continues

Well, my fellow plant aficionados, we've reached the end of our succulent-studded adventure. Together, we've traversed the exotic world of desktop terrariums, hand-picked the crème de la crème of tiny green companions, and shared a few laughs along the way (I mean, who knew watering could be so dramatic?). But as the sun sets on this chapter of our story, I can't help but feel a twinge of sadness.

You see, I've grown quite fond of our time together, swapping tales of plant parenthood and bonding over our mutual love for all things leafy and green. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. And, as we part ways and venture forth into the great unknown – our desks adorned with terrariums that would make even the most seasoned horticulturist swoon – I leave you with this final thought:

Our journey into the world of desktop terrariums may be over, but the memories we've created will live on in the lush, vibrant ecosystems that now grace our workspaces. Each time you glance at your tiny oasis, remember the laughter we shared, the challenges we overcame, and the deep-rooted connection that brought us together in the first place: our unwavering love for succulents.

So, as you nurture your terrarium and watch it flourish under your tender care, don't forget to share your triumphs and tribulations with your fellow plant lovers. After all, we're in this together – a community of green-thumbed warriors united by our passion for all things botanical.

And who knows? Maybe one day, our paths will cross again, and we'll find ourselves swapping stories of new plant adventures, our hearts brimming with excitement and anticipation. But until then, my friends, I wish you all the luck and joy in the world as you continue your succulent-filled journey.

May your terrariums thrive, your succulents prosper, and your workspace be forever transformed into a haven of peace, tranquility, and unbridled plant love. Now go forth and conquer, my fellow plant parents! The world is your terrarium.

Jordan Olson

Jordan Olson is a seasoned marketing maestro with over 20 years under his belt, specializing in the fine arts of copywriting, lead generation, and SEO.

He's been a VP of Marketing in the corporate world but found that he enjoys being his own boss much more - mainly because he gets to choose his office snacks.

Now, he relishes in the variety of clients he works with daily, from tech startups to online ukulele lessons.

When he's not crafting compelling copy or digging into analytics, you will find him playing with his kids or sneaking in a game of Magic the Gathering.


What was the Purpose of the Zen Gardens?


How to Make a Succulent Terrarium