The Best Essential Oils to Use in your office to Reduce Stress

Essential oils have become increasingly popular for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Whether you're working from home or in the office, having a few calming aromas nearby can help to reduce stress and improve your productivity.

Though there are many essential oils that offer calming properties, some of the top choices for relieving stress include lavender, vetiver, bergamot, and ylang-ylang. Each of these fragrances has its own unique set of benefits and can be used alone or combined with other essential oils to create your own personalized blend.


Lavender essential oil has been used since ancient times as a remedy for a variety of ailments. Its sweet, floral aroma provides calming and soothing effects, while its numerous beneficial properties make it one of the most versatile essential oils available. Here are just a few of the amazing benefits of lavender essential oil:

It relieves stress and anxiety. Research has found that lavender can reduce cortisol levels in individuals when inhaled or applied topically. Inhaling the scent through aromatherapy is one of the easiest ways to relax and have a sense of well-being. Additionally, it has been known to induce sleep in those having difficulty sleeping due to tension or stress.

It reduces inflammation and pain. Lavender's anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties make it an ideal treatment for aches and pains caused by exercise or overuse injuries. It has been shown to be effective at reducing swelling in joints, as well as reducing muscle soreness after intense exercise.

It boosts immune function and fights infection. Studies have found that lavender can enhance the body's natural immunity against colds and flu while also fighting microbial infections such as ringworm, staphylococcus, and E coli bacteria. Its antimicrobial activity can even help prevent gum disease and fight against fungal growth on skin surfaces.

It improves digestion and relieves nausea. Lavender's carminative properties can help improve digestion by stimulating gastric juices, improving appetite, and decreasing abdominal bloating and gas while also relieving digestive issues such as constipation or diarrhea. Additionally, its calming effect may also help reduce symptoms associated with motion sicknesses like dizziness or nausea.

It works as an all-natural bug repellent. The strong scent of lavender is known to naturally repel mosquitos, flies, moths, fleas, and other insects without any harsh chemicals or toxins that could harm humans or pets alike! Simply add a few drops to your favorite all-natural insect repellent spray bottle for an extra layer of protection against bugs this summer!

The list goes on - lavender essential oil truly packs a punch when it comes to its many uses! From providing relief from physical discomforts such as headaches, bruises, or burns to helping manage stress levels under pressure - there’s no doubt that this fragrant flower should be included in every health enthusiast’s medicine cabinet! Not only does its delicate aroma provide relaxation effects, but its active components can also even provide lasting therapeutic benefits with regular use!


Vetiver essential oil is one of the oldest known medicinal oils, used in ancient Indian and Chinese cultures for centuries. It has many beneficial properties, both physically and emotionally, that make it an ideal natural remedy. Vetiver essential oil can be diffused aromatically or used topically to help with a number of health issues.

One of the main benefits of vetiver essential oil is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Its earthy, grounding aroma has been found to be calming and soothing, making it a great choice for those struggling with anxiety or insomnia. The oil also helps to balance hormones, soothe tense muscles, and reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Apart from its stress-relieving properties, vetiver essential oil is also thought to improve circulation and boost immunity. It has antioxidant properties that can help protect the body from free radical damage caused by pollutants in the environment and other toxins we encounter on a daily basis. Vetiver essential oil is also known for its natural antiseptic qualities, which makes it helpful in treating cuts and scrapes as well as minor skin irritations such as eczema or psoriasis.

In addition to physical ailments, vetiver essential oil may have some mental health benefits too. Inhaling the aroma of this oil may help increase concentration levels while decreasing feelings of sadness or negativity. Studies have also suggested that using vetiver essential oil may improve memory recall abilities and even promote better sleep quality when used regularly at night before bedtime.

Finally, vetiver essential oil can be an excellent addition to any beauty routine thanks to its anti-aging effects on the skin. The antioxidants found in this oil can combat wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of aging while helping to keep skin looking hydrated and youthful. Additionally, applying vetiver topically can help treat acne by killing bacteria that can clog pores leading to breakouts.


Bergamot essential oil has become increasingly popular in recent years as more people seek out natural solutions to their health and wellness needs. Extracted from the peel of a citrus fruit called Bergamot, this oil is known for its calming effects and is used in aromatherapy treatments. Bergamot essential oil comes with a wide range of benefits that make it an excellent choice for those looking for a holistic approach to wellness.

The most significant benefit of Bergamot essential oil is its relaxing and calming effect. This can be attributed to its high concentration of linalool, which is a naturally occurring compound that has been linked to anti-anxiety properties. Additionally, the oil can help reduce stress levels by decreasing cortisol levels in the body and increasing serotonin levels in the brain. It may also help regulate mood swings and reduce feelings of depression or sadness.

Bergamot essential oil also has antiseptic properties making it ideal for treating skin infections such as acne or eczema. In addition to fighting off bacteria, it has powerful antioxidant effects that can help protect the skin from environmental pollutants. Furthermore, research suggests that Bergamot can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing swelling and redness associated with conditions like arthritis or psoriasis.

Finally, Bergamot can be used topically to address digestive issues such as indigestion or bloating due to its carminative properties, which encourage proper digestion by stimulating intestinal contractions and relieving spasms caused by gas buildup in the gut. Additionally, it helps improve blood circulation resulting in improved metabolism and better nutrient absorption. This makes it particularly beneficial for those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, as increased energy levels are often seen when using this essential oil regularly.


Ylang-ylang is an essential oil derived from the Cananga odorata tree, a tropical evergreen native to Indonesia, Madagascar, the Philippines, and other parts of Southeast Asia. Its flowers have a unique scent that has been used for centuries in perfumery and medicine. In recent years, it has become increasingly popular as an aromatherapy oil due to its sedative properties and its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

The name “Ylang-ylang” comes from the Tagalog language of the Philippines and literally means “flower of flowers.” It was traditionally used in weddings, where brides wore headdresses made from its flowers and were encouraged to inhale their scent for calming effects prior to the ceremony. Ylang-ylang is also known for its aphrodisiac qualities, which are thought to be connected with its calming effect on emotions.

In addition to its calming effects, Ylang-ylang has antiviral and antibacterial properties that make it useful in treating skin infections such as eczema or psoriasis. It also helps balance sebum production in oily skin conditions as well as moisturizing dry skin. When used topically, Ylang-ylang can help reduce inflammation due to acne scars or other blemishes, leaving skin looking clearer and brighter with regular use.

When diffused into the air, Ylang-ylang essential oil can help improve mood by reducing feelings of anxiety or depression while creating a sense of calmness within a room. It can also reduce respiratory congestion when inhaled directly from the bottle or added to steam inhalation treatments. In addition to relieving physical symptoms associated with coughs and colds, such as congestion or sore throats, Ylang-ylang is believed to boost energy levels when diffused into a room at night or during times of fatigue during the day.

Choose a Scent or Blend that You Love

When it comes to creating a personalized blend suitable for your office environment, there are several different options depending on your specific needs. A combination of lavender, bergamot, ylang-ylang, and vetiver might be ideal if you're seeking something calming yet energizing, while adding a bit of chamomile may be helpful in times when you need something particularly tranquilizing, such as before bedtime or early morning when starting work feeling refreshed will help set up productive days ahead.

Ultimately what works best will depend on individual preferences, so experimenting with different scents until you find one that works best for you can be beneficial in creating a more relaxed working atmosphere both physically and mentally throughout the day!

Jordan Olson

Jordan Olson is a seasoned marketing maestro with over 20 years under his belt, specializing in the fine arts of copywriting, lead generation, and SEO.

He's been a VP of Marketing in the corporate world but found that he enjoys being his own boss much more - mainly because he gets to choose his office snacks.

Now, he relishes in the variety of clients he works with daily, from tech startups to online ukulele lessons.

When he's not crafting compelling copy or digging into analytics, you will find him playing with his kids or sneaking in a game of Magic the Gathering.


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