How to Put Out Incense

Incense can create a peaceful atmosphere in your home, yoga studio, or place of worship. However, it's essential to be mindful of safety when using an incense burner. We want you to be able to relax and enjoy your incense without worrying about any potential hazards.

Our guide will provide you with some essential precautions to consider before lighting and a step-by-step process on how to put out your incense without any risks of injury or fire. Taking these simple steps will help you to create a peaceful environment and enjoy your incense safely.

Quick Answer

Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to put out incense sticks that are burning properly:

  1. Wait for the incense stick to burn out: If you have burnt the incense stick down to its end, then it will extinguish itself naturally. However, ensure that there is no remaining incense stick burning that can catch fire after.

  2. Pinch the incense stick: If there is still some left unburnt, pinch the glowing tip with your fingers to snuff it out gently. You can use two fingers to make sure there is no chance of it burning out further.

  3. Extinguish the incense stick in sand: Another effective method to extinguish your incense stick is to put it into a jar or metal bowl of sand, dirt, or any non-flammable material to snuff it out firmly. Ensure that the stick is fully immersed in the sand.

  4. Use a snuffer or a lid: If you have a snuffer or lid for your incense holder, use it to snuff out the burning end of the stick incense. This is one of the best methods as it cuts off the oxygen supply to the stick while extinguishing it promptly.

  5. Don't blow it out: Finally, it's essential that you do not blow the flame out on the incense stick. Doing this can cause hot ashes to fly around, potentially causing burns or even starting a fire.

By using these methods, you can safely and gently put out incense sticks while reducing any fire hazards. Remember always to stay mindful of your surroundings and place your incense burner somewhere away from flammable materials.

Table of Contents

  1. Putting Out a Burning Incense Stick

  2. Extinguishing Incense Cones

  3. Putting Out Incense Resin

  4. Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What can Happen if you Don't Put Out Incense?

    2. Can Incense be Re-used after it's been Put Out?

    3. How Long does it Take for Incense to Burn Out on Its Own?

  5. Your Incense Burner is not Enough

  6. Remember: Never Leave Burning Incense Unattended!

  7. Follow Safety Precautions to Enjoy Incense without Worry

  8. Final Thoughts

Putting Out a Burning Incense Stick

To safely put out incense, you need to take some precautions to avoid any injuries or fire hazards.

Firstly, ensure that you place your incense stick on a non-flammable surface like an incense holder, metal bowl, ceramic dish, or tray. Make sure it's not close to any flammable materials like curtains or paper. Keep pets and children at a safe distance from the incense stick.

When you have finished enjoying your incense session, it's essential that you put out an incense stick properly. Do not blow on the stick incense to put it out. This can cause hot ashes to fly around, which could burn you or start a fire. Instead, pinch the lit tip of the burning end with your fingers or use a snuffer tool to turn it quickly and firmly into the ash provided in the incense holder.

Wait a couple of minutes to make sure there are no glowing ember is left burning, and then dispose of the ash and stick safely. By following these simple steps, you can burn incense without any safety concerns.

Extinguishing Incense Cones

Putting out incense cones follows a similar procedure to incense sticks but requires additional care as the cones burn differently. If not safely put out, they can cause a fire or leave hot embers behind. Here's what you should do to extinguish your incense cones safely:

  1. Wait for the cone to burn out: Like incense sticks, you can let the incense cone burn out completely. If you don't have time to wait for it to burn out, then you can gently blow out the flame on top of the cone. It's important to be gentle to prevent hot embers from flying around.

  2. Extinguish the incense cone in water: Another way to extinguish incense cones is to bury them in sand or ashes and then cover them in water. This is a great way to ensure that no hot embers are left and also to avoid leaving smoke marks or smells in the house. Once extinguished, dispose of the water and ashes safely.

By using these effective methods, you can safely and quickly extinguish your incense cones without any risks of fire or injury.

Putting Out Incense Resin

Incense resin is a popular form of incense that produces more smoke and has a stronger aroma. The resin burns at a much hotter temperature than cones or sticks, making it important to extinguish it safely. Here's how you can ensure proper extinguishing of your incense resin:

  1. Use a metal spoon to dip the resin: Unlike cones and sticks, resin does not have a pre-existing shape. You can scoop it with a spoon and place it on a small dish, heatproof bowl, or atop some ashes. Ensure that wherever you place the resin, it is away from anything flammable, and there is enough sand, ash, or dirt underneath to prevent any hot embers from flying around.

  2. Dampen the resin: To safely extinguish the resin, you can use a pair of tongs to hold the small dish or heatproof bowl in place and slowly pour some water over the incense resin. Once it's wet, leave it to cool down completely, dispose of the ash or sand in a non-flammable container, and wash your dish or bowl. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What can Happen if you Don't Put Out Incense?

Letting your incense burn unattended, not having it on a heat-resistant surface, or not putting it out correctly can have hazardous consequences. It can lead to severe smoke damage or start a fire, which can cause property damage, injury, or even fatalities.

Hot embers from the incense can spread to nearby flammable materials, which can cause a fire in no time. Moreover, the smoke generated from the prolonged burning of incense can cause respiratory difficulties or allergic reactions, especially in people with a history of asthma or allergies.

Not extinguishing your incense can also leave residue or smoke stains and odors that can be challenging to remove. The longer it burns, the harder it becomes to get rid of the smoke.

The unsafe disposal of incense ash can also cause harm. Hot embers or ash can cause burns or spark a fire if disposed of in a flammable container. It's crucial to learn how to put out incense to avoid such risks.

Can Incense be Re-used after it's been Put Out?

Technically, once incense has been put out, it cannot be reused. After the stick incense, resin, or cone has burnt down, it will have released all its aromatic compounds and will have nothing left to offer. Attempting to reuse it may result in reduced quality of fragrance, durability, or even hazardous outcomes.

How Long does it Take for Incense to Burn Out on Its Own?

The amount of time it takes for incense to burn out naturally depends on the type of incense you're using. On average, most incense sticks burn for about thirty to sixty minutes. However, some high-quality brands can last over two hours.

Incense cones can also last for about twenty minutes to an hour, depending on the brand and size. Resin incense can last for several hours, but since its burning time depends on the size of the chunks, it should not be left burning unattended.

It's critical to ensure that you are keeping an eye on your incense when burning and not leaving it unattended for safety purposes. Most incense manufacturers have instructions on how long their product is likely to burn while giving an estimated time frame.

If you're not sure, you can test its burning time yourself by lighting one stick and determining how long it takes to burn out completely. Note that factors such as humidity, wind, and temperature can influence how long incense sticks burn.

Your Incense Burner is not Enough

It's important to note that leaving your burning incense in a burner does not guarantee safety, and you should avoid leaving it unmonitored. Even if you're using a high-quality burner designed to contain and control incense smoke, accidents can still happen.

If the incense burns out of sections, it may fall off the holder, roll onto the surface, catch fire, or leave hot embers behind, increasing the risks of a fire occurring.

In addition, some incense burners are not suitable for extended burning, and leaving incense to burn unattended for extended periods increases the chances of a fire starting.

Remember: Never Leave Burning Incense Unattended!

It's vital to stay present while the incense is burning, monitor the burner's safety, and ensure that it's completely extinguished after use.

Accidents can happen when you least expect them, and to avoid such risks, it's best to apply caution and remain vigilant throughout your burning session. Proper care should be taken during the burning time, and if you need to leave the room or go out, ensure that you put the incense out completely before doing so.

Follow Safety Precautions to Enjoy Incense without Worry

By following appropriate incense burning safety measures, you can enjoy this fragrant smoke without any worry about potential hazards.

Safety measures include: choosing the right incense for your space, using a suitable holder, ensuring an appropriate location, and following proper extinguishing procedures are essential to safe burning practices.

With these steps, you can create a harmonious and peaceful setting while avoiding the risk of fire or injury. By taking the time to follow these guidelines, you'll be able to relax and indulge in the therapeutic benefits of incense without worrying about any potential risks.

Remember to always prioritize safety and keep an eye on the incense as it burns to enjoy a safe, healthy, and enjoyable incense experience.

Final Thoughts

Putting out incense safely is a crucial part of enjoying a peaceful and fragrant atmosphere without any safety concerns. It's essential to take a few precautions, including selecting the right type of incense, using a suitable burner, and setting the right location with a heat-resistant surface and a well-ventilated room to minimize any potential hazards.

Following learning how to put out incense, including using snuffers or using damp sand or water to suffocate the embers, will help keep your surroundings safe and fire-free.

By taking the time to follow these simple steps, you can safely enjoy the benefits of burning incense without any risks of fire or injury. Remember to always prioritize safety and check the instructions before use.

With these guidelines in mind, you can create a peaceful and calming atmosphere in your home, yoga studio, or place of worship while enjoying the soothing, aromatic fragrance of incense.

Jordan Olson

Jordan Olson is a seasoned marketing maestro with over 20 years under his belt, specializing in the fine arts of copywriting, lead generation, and SEO.

He's been a VP of Marketing in the corporate world but found that he enjoys being his own boss much more - mainly because he gets to choose his office snacks.

Now, he relishes in the variety of clients he works with daily, from tech startups to online ukulele lessons.

When he's not crafting compelling copy or digging into analytics, you will find him playing with his kids or sneaking in a game of Magic the Gathering.


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