Essential Oils & Incense vs. Candles

When it comes to scenting your home or workspace, you may have thought candles were your only option. And while they come in so many incredible scents, colors, and styles, there are some occasions when candles simply aren’t an option, like at your office, in some apartment complexes, hotels, etc. However, beyond the occasion when you’re not permitted to strike a match and light a candle, there are several benefits to choosing essential oils or incense over candles that may make them the smarter choice.


Essential oils and incense both offer longevity in terms of scent. While a candle’s scent can dissipate quickly, an oil diffuser or an incense burner will keep a steady stream of fragrance in the air for hours at a time. This means if you want your space to be consistently scented without needing to frequently light up another wick, essential oils, and incense are great choices.


Another benefit of using essential oils or incense is convenience – no need for open flames or their associated safety hazards. There is no risk of accidentally burning your skin, clothes, furniture, or anything else! You can even enjoy the therapeutic benefits of essential oils without the fear of danger.

Environmental Benefits

Selecting essential oils and incense over candles is better for the environment. Candles are often made with chemical-laden wicks and waxes that release toxic VOCs when burned (volatile organic compounds). Essential oils and incense contain none of these pollutants and cause much less environmental damage than conventional candles.

A Closer Look at Essential Oils

When it comes to aromatherapy, essential oils are a popular choice. Essential oils can help relieve stress and anxiety, boost energy and mood, and even improve your sleep quality when used correctly. Not only are they safer than burning candles as there’s no risk of starting a fire, but also, the scent tends to last longer than with candles. Burning incense is another great way to enjoy all the benefits of aromatherapy without having to worry about an open flame. Incense has been used for centuries in traditional religious ceremonies and for spiritual cleansing, but today it’s often used simply for its calming scent.

Using essential oils or incense is also more cost-effective than buying multiple candles. Even if you purchase the highest-quality candles possible, their smell will eventually evaporate due to their short burn time. However, with an oil diffuser or an incense burner, you can enjoy the same level of aroma for much longer at a fraction of the cost!

Finally, it’s important to note that essential oils have medicinal properties that can be beneficial for your health and well-being. This includes aiding digestion and improving respiratory issues like allergies or asthma. In contrast, burning conventional candles may not provide any health benefits at all – in fact, they could even worsen existing health conditions due to their release of air pollutants into your indoor air space.

A Closer Look at Incense

The practice of burning incense has existed for centuries, and there are a myriad of benefits associated with it. Burning incense can help to improve your mental clarity, manage stress levels, promote better sleep, and provide a relaxing environment. These reasons are why burning incense remains an extremely popular practice worldwide.

The aroma of incense, particularly scents like sandalwood or jasmine, can create a soothing environment that produces feelings of tranquility and peacefulness. In addition, burning incense can foster positivity and enable you to focus your thoughts on the present moment. When faced with anxiety or worries, incense can be a reminder to take a step back for a moment of calmness and contemplation.

Burning incense is also incredibly beneficial for promoting better sleep, as it can create a calm ambiance that can facilitate restful sleep. Incense offers an added benefit of masking any uncomfortable or disruptive noises and odors in the surroundings, making it easier to get the sleep you require.

Lastly, burning incense can greatly help in calming the mind and improving mental clarity. Taking a few minutes every day to burn incense can help create a peaceful and relaxed space, making it a valuable practice for individuals seeking tangible improvements in their overall well-being. It serves as an excellent way to stimulate creativity, generate productive thoughts, and ultimately boost one’s mental agility.


Choosing essential oils or incense over regular candles can provide many benefits that make them worth considering as an alternative source of fragrance in your home or workspace. They offer long-lasting scents, convenience since there’s no need for an open flame, and environmental friendliness since they don't release any harmful chemicals into the air. Plus, their medicinal properties may even provide additional health benefits!

However, if you simply cannot stay away from those attractive candles, maybe take a few extra moments to choose a candle that’s a little safer to burn, such as a soy or beeswax candle. Not only will that give you an opportunity to support a local small business in your area, but it will remove several of the negative aspects associated with burning candles.

Jordan Olson

Jordan Olson is a seasoned marketing maestro with over 20 years under his belt, specializing in the fine arts of copywriting, lead generation, and SEO.

He's been a VP of Marketing in the corporate world but found that he enjoys being his own boss much more - mainly because he gets to choose his office snacks.

Now, he relishes in the variety of clients he works with daily, from tech startups to online ukulele lessons.

When he's not crafting compelling copy or digging into analytics, you will find him playing with his kids or sneaking in a game of Magic the Gathering.


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